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BF 123: Growing Uncommon Fruit
General Course Resources
Instructor Contact
Webinar Schedule and Participant Guide
Weekly Webinar Link
Pre-Course Survey
FORUM: Introduce Yourself; Meet Your Peers
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General Resources
Week 1: How to Define Success + Elderberry Spotlight
Webinar: Slides, and Recording
Resources of Interest: Success and Elderberries
Week 2: Avoid Pitfalls Associated with Site Selection + Juneberry/Amelanchier Spotlight
Webinar: Slides, and Recording
Resources of Interest: Site Selection and Juneberries
Week 3: Identify Your Targeted Consumers + Honeyberry/Haskap, and Pawpaw Spotlight
Webinar: Slides, and Recording
Resources of Interest: Consumer base and Pawpaws
Resources for Honeyberries/Haskaps
Feedback for lesson
Week 4: Creative Marketing + Aronia Spotlight
Webinar: Slides, and Recording
Resources of Interest: Marketing and Aronia
Feedback for this week
Week 5: Sourcing – Plants to Equipment + Ribes and Hardy Kiwi Spotlight
Webinar: Slides, and Recording
Resources of Interest: Sourcing and Ribes
Resources for Hardy Kiwi
Feedback for this week
Week 6: Financial Security and Salt Tolerant Crops + Other Crops of Interest Spotlight
Webinar: Slides, and Recording
Resources of Interest: Financial security, salt tolerant and other crops of interest
Complete the Post-Course Survey - Chance to Win a Free Online Course!
Staying Connected After This Course Ends!
Additional Resources
Resources for other crops (46:21)
Resources of Interest: Financial security, salt tolerant and other crops of interest
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